Water Pollution

Water : All countries of the world depend on the monsoon for their water needs. Water pollution is not a disaster, its a cause of a disaster. Now a days water pollution is really common and major problem in maximum countries. If we think about the South Asia, then firstly in India about 85 percent of the total water is used for agriculture, 3 percent for domestic purposes, less than 2 percent for industries, and the rest for miscellaneous purposes. The present fresh water requirement in India is about 540 billion cu.m. annually, of which 360 billion cu.m. is met from surface water and 180 billion cu.m from groundwater. By the end of 1988, the total irrigation potential created was over 74 million hectares-over 32 million ha by major and medium projects and over 42 million ha by minor schemes.

The surface water sources in Pakistan mainly include the Indus river and its tributaries
Bangladesh is situated on the north coast of the Bay of Bengal. The southeastern open sea around St. Martin's Island is environmentally undisturbed and balanced. The northwest bay receives fresh water through the Mahanadi, Godavari and Hoogly estuaries of India. Rural Bangladesh is very dependent on rivers, ponds, and khal and beel waters because its a river based country. Its one third is river. Due to the rapid growth of population and industrialization in some last years, the water quality of streams in the vicinity of cities like Dhaka.

Basically the ratio of water pollution is more in South Asia. Specially the India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Definitely it happens because these country are really over populated and really doing too much industrial development for raise their economic condition good. That why these countries really in very risk. They want to develop their economic condition but to do so they are polluting water rapidly and for that their children and nation suffering from many undesirably diseases.

To control the water pollution the government of the countries should take some effective and necessary steps. As example they should made their industries in those areas where the mass people not live or not build home for lives. They should detached the busy and industrial life. They should use less harmful product for the production. And definitely the people of those countries should aware about water pollution.