Monday, March 12, 2012

Measures should taken for Climate Change Cell's work program

Now a days this is a very important concern for the scientist and for the researchers. The climate change cell's work program focuses on some main areas:

  • Build the capacity of Government to coordinate and integration climate change issue in mainstream development activities across government. It also acts as a secretariat to coordinate other national climate change activities such as National communication preparation process, the clean development mechanism for all country specially the poverty full and populated poor country. 
  • Strengthen existing knowledge and availability of information on impact prediction and adaptation to climate change.This includes synchronizing and synthesizing existing studies, and filling gaps, as well as improving information exchange between science and policy-makers. 
  •  Raise awareness, advocacy and coordination with partners across government, NGOs, civil society, private organization and donor organizations. Using a variety of mechanism and information products, the climate change cell is working to promote the integration of climate change adaptation and risk reduction in development plannings, especially within climate sensitive sectors and the disaster risk reduction process. 

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