Saturday, March 10, 2012

Global warming makes the world worse

Over the last century the level of carbon dioxide has increased by 25 percent, the level of nitro oxide by 19 percent and the level of methane by 100 percent. These are the three major global warming gases. Over the past 100 years, the earth's average surface temperature has risen by around 0.74 DC, with the warming greater over land regions than over the oceans. The rate of warming averaged over the last 50 years is nearly twice the rate for the last 100 year. The late 1990s and the early 21st century have featured the warmest years since modern records began. A further warming of about 0.2DC is projected for each of the next two decades. Scientist say the world needs to cut emission of global warming gases by 50 to 70 percent just to stabilize the level of gases already in the atmosphere. However, emission of these gases are projected to continue rising in the coming decades. Scientist has projected that stabilizing atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases responsible for accelerated global warming must happen as early as possible to prevent the temperature to rise at a level that triggers dangerous climate. A 2 degree Centigrade rise in the global mean temperature by the end of this century has been considered a possibility by many researches and future scenarios of impact according to different increases in global mean temperature are now being produced illustrating effects and consequences in different part of the world.

However, very small changes in the temperature, rainfall or sea level rise can lead to severe consequences for a country already stressed environmentally, socially and economically. Also, the variations can be quite significant when downscale for a location. In addition, there may be more than one impact at any given period which can lead to grave circumstances. Further, climate change induced impacts may trigger a chain of consequences due to non-climate activities and their outcomes.

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